AWS EC2 Tips for Beginner 1. Setting timezone
I started making apps as side projects.
I'm about to write down some tips for struggling beginners like me.
First, Setting timezone.
If you googled like this,

many blogs or sites were telling me like this.
2. Show All Available timezone
From the 2, I can see nothing.
Because I had no timezones. Even I didn't have '/usr/share/zoneinfo' directory.
I struggled few days, and finally I found something out.
sudo apt install tzdata
After I installed it, all of problems were solved.
You can setting time that you want while installing.
If you have something in '/usr/share/zoneinfo' directory, you should follow other blogs.
I'm about to write down some tips for struggling beginners like me.
First, Setting timezone.
If you googled like this,

many blogs or sites were telling me like this.
1. Check your Current Timezone Setting.
$ timedatectl
$ ls -l /usr/share/zoneinfo
2. Show All Available timezone
$ timedatectl list-timezones.....
From the 2, I can see nothing.
Because I had no timezones. Even I didn't have '/usr/share/zoneinfo' directory.
I struggled few days, and finally I found something out.
sudo apt install tzdata
After I installed it, all of problems were solved.
You can setting time that you want while installing.
If you have something in '/usr/share/zoneinfo' directory, you should follow other blogs.
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